Automating ABINIT calculations with AbiPy

M. Giantomassi and the AbiPy group

Boston MA, 3 March 2019

What is AbiPy?

Python package for:

  • Generating ABINIT input files automatically
  • Post-processing output results (netcdf and text files)
  • Interfacing ABINIT with external tools (e.g. Vesta)
  • Creating and executing workflows (band structures, phonons, $GW$…)


  • Developed and maintained by the ABINIT community
  • Used by developers to validate, profile and optimize ABINIT
  • Hosted on github
  • Release under the GPLv2 license

Why python?

AbiPy design principles

  • Extend the pymatgen code-base with ABINIT-specific objects
  • Layered structure designed for different use-cases:

    • Post-processing tools and command-line interfaces
    • API to automate calculations and data analysis
    • High-throughput infrastructure (abiflows, fireworks, mongodb)
  • Closely connected to the ABINIT executable:

    • CPU-intensive algorithms performed by ABINIT (Fortran + MPI + OpenMP)
    • Glue code implemented in python
  • ABINIT and AbiPy communicate through netcdf files

    • Portable binary format implemented in C
    • Fortran/Python bindings and support for parallel MPI-IO (HDF5)
    • ETSF-IO specifications for crystalline structures, wavefunctions, densities…

How to install AbiPy

Using pip and python wheels:

    pip install abipy --user

Using conda (recommended):

    conda install abipy --channel abinit 

From the github repository (develop mode):

    git clone
    cd abipy 
    python develop

For further info see

AbiPy documentation

In [448]:

Jupyter notebooks with examples and lessons

In [449]:

What do we need to automate calculations?

  • Tools to parse and analyze output results
  • python API to generate input files
  • High-level logic for:

    • Managing complicated workflows
    • Exposing task parallelism (independent steps can be executed in parallel)
    • Handling runtime errors and restarting calculations
    • Saving final results in machine-readable format (e.g. databases)

Let's discuss the different parts step by step…

AbiPy post-processing tools

  • Main entry point:

    from abipy import abilab
    abifile = abilab.abiopen("")

    where is a netcdf file (support also text files e.g. run.abo, run.log, out_DDB)

  • abifile is the AbiFile subclass associated to the given file extension:

    1. ➝ GsrFile
    2. ➝ HistFile
    3. More than 45 file extensions supported (see --help)
  • Command line interface: use FILE to:

    • open the file inside the ipython terminal
    • print info to terminal (--print option)
    • produce a predefined set of matplotlib figures (--expose option)
    • generate jupyter notebooks (--notebook option)

Before we start, we need to import two AbiPy modules:

In [450]:
from abipy import abilab
import as abidata

Now we can open our netcdf file with abiopen

In [451]:
gsr_kpath = abilab.abiopen("")

This function returns an AbiFile object provinding access to physical properties.


  • abifile.structure ➝ crystalline structure (subclass of pymatgen Structure)
  • abifile.ebands ➝ electron band energies
  • abifile.ebands.kpoints ➝ list of k-points (k-path, IBZ)
  • abifile.phbands ➝ phonon frequencies and displacements

Several AbiPy objects provide plot methods returning matplotlib figures

The GsrFile has a pymatgen structure:
In [452]:
Full Formula (Si2)
Reduced Formula: Si
abc   :   3.866975   3.866975   3.866975
angles:  60.000000  60.000000  60.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP       a     b     c
---  ----  ----  ----  ----
  0  Si    0     0     0
  1  Si    0.25  0.25  0.25

Abinit Spacegroup: spgid: 227, num_spatial_symmetries: 48, has_timerev: True, symmorphic: True

Band energies, occupation factors, k-points are stored in the ebands object

In [454]:
================================= Structure =================================
Full Formula (Si2)
Reduced Formula: Si
abc   :   3.866975   3.866975   3.866975
angles:  60.000000  60.000000  60.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP       a     b     c
---  ----  ----  ----  ----
  0  Si    0     0     0
  1  Si    0.25  0.25  0.25

Abinit Spacegroup: spgid: 227, num_spatial_symmetries: 48, has_timerev: True, symmorphic: True

Number of electrons: 8.0, Fermi level: 5.598 (eV)
nsppol: 1, nkpt: 14, mband: 8, nspinor: 1, nspden: 1
smearing scheme: none, tsmear_eV: 0.272, occopt: 1
Direct gap:
    Energy: 2.532 (eV)
    Initial state: spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.000, +0.000], name: $\Gamma$, weight: 0.000, band=3, eig=5.598, occ=2.000
    Final state:   spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.000, +0.000], name: $\Gamma$, weight: 0.000, band=4, eig=8.130, occ=0.000
Fundamental gap:
    Energy: 0.524 (eV)
    Initial state: spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.000, +0.000], name: $\Gamma$, weight: 0.000, band=3, eig=5.598, occ=2.000
    Final state:   spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.429, +0.429], weight: 0.000, band=4, eig=6.123, occ=0.000
Bandwidth: 11.856 (eV)
Valence maximum located at:
    spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.000, +0.000], name: $\Gamma$, weight: 0.000, band=3, eig=5.598, occ=2.000
Conduction minimum located at:
    spin=0, kpt=[+0.000, +0.429, +0.429], weight: 0.000, band=4, eig=6.123, occ=0.000

The ebands object has a list of k-points that can be visualized with:

In [455]:

To plot the band structure, use:

In [456]:
gsr_kpath.ebands.plot(with_gaps=True, title="Silicon band structure");

Band energies can be given either along a k-path or in the irreducible Brillouin zone (IBZ):

In [457]:
with abilab.abiopen("") as scf_gsr:
    ebands_kmesh = scf_gsr.ebands
K-mesh with divisions: [8, 8, 8], shifts: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
kptopt: 1 (Use space group symmetries and TR symmetry)
Number of points in the IBZ: 29
     0) [+0.000, +0.000, +0.000],  weight=0.002
     1) [+0.125, +0.000, +0.000],  weight=0.016
     2) [+0.250, +0.000, +0.000],  weight=0.016
     3) [+0.375, +0.000, +0.000],  weight=0.016
     4) [+0.500, +0.000, +0.000],  weight=0.008
     5) [+0.125, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.012
     6) [+0.250, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.047
     7) [+0.375, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.047
     8) [+0.500, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.047
     9) [-0.375, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.047
    10) [-0.250, +0.125, +0.000],  weight=0.047
    ... (More than 10 k-points)

To compute the density of states (DOS), we need energies in the IBZ:

In [459]:
edos = ebands_kmesh.get_edos()

Plotting bands with DOS is easy:

In [460]:

Use ElectronBandsPlotter to visualize multiple band structures:

In [461]:
plotter = abilab.ElectronBandsPlotter()
plotter.add_ebands(label="BZ sampling", bands="")
plotter.add_ebands(label="k-path", bands="")

Other files supported by AbiPy

  • ➝ Ground-state results produced by SCF/NSCF runs
  • ➝ Structural relaxation and molecular dynamics
  • ➝ Fatbands and LM-projected DOS for electrons
  • DDB: ➝ dynamical matrix, Born effective charges, elastic constants…
  • ➝ $GW$ calculations ($\Sigma^{e-e}$ self-energy)
  • ➝ Bethe-Salpeter calculations
  • ABIWAN.ncnetcdf file produced by Abinit with wannier90 results
  • ➝ electron-phonon self-energy ($\Sigma^{e-ph}$)

Jupter notebooks with examples available here

Abipy Robots

  • High-level interface to operate on multiple files with the same file extension

  • Useful for:

    • convergence studies
    • producing multiple plots
    • building Pandas dataframes (data in tabular format powered by python)
  • Each Robot is associated to a file extension, e.g.

    • ➝ GsrRobot
    • DDB ➝ DdbRobot
  • Robots can be constructed from:

    1. List of filenames
    2. Directories and regular expressions
  • Command line interface provided by the script:

  • To generate notebook to compare multiple GSR files, use:

 gsr --notebook

Our first example with the GsrRobot

We have a directory with a bunch of files and we need to analyze the results:

In [465]:
ls flow_base3_ngkpt
Let's construct a GsrRobot with:
In [466]:
robot_enekpt = abilab.GsrRobot.from_dir("flow_base3_ngkpt");
Files can be accessed with list-like or dict-like syntax:
In [467]:
<GsrFile, flow_base3_ngkpt/>
In [468]:
<GsrFile, flow_base3_ngkpt/>

Now we can use the robot methods to build pandas DataFrames:

In [469]:
ene_table = robot_enekpt.get_dataframe()
Index(['formula', 'natom', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'volume',
       'abispg_num', 'spglib_symb', 'spglib_num', 'spglib_lattice_type',
       'energy', 'pressure', 'max_force', 'ecut', 'pawecutdg', 'tsmear',
       'nkpt', 'nsppol', 'nspinor', 'nspden'],

Jupyter knows how to visualize DataFrames:

In [470]:
formula natom alpha beta gamma a b c volume abispg_num ... energy pressure max_force ecut pawecutdg tsmear nkpt nsppol nspinor nspden Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.866975 3.866975 3.866975 40.888292 227 ... -241.251546 -3.586342 3.051564e-27 8.0 -1.0 0.01 2 1 1 1 Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.866975 3.866975 3.866975 40.888292 227 ... -241.417959 -3.907310 4.677360e-27 8.0 -1.0 0.01 10 1 1 1 Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.866975 3.866975 3.866975 40.888292 227 ... -241.421158 -3.895679 0.000000e+00 8.0 -1.0 0.01 28 1 1 1 Si2 2 60.0 60.0 60.0 3.866975 3.866975 3.866975 40.888292 227 ... -241.421391 -3.895437 2.762091e-27 8.0 -1.0 0.01 60 1 1 1

4 rows × 23 columns

Dataframes are great as we can use python to operate on the data:

In [472]:
ene_table.sort_values(by="nkpt", inplace=True)

# Add 2 columns with energies in Ha and difference wrt to the last point.
ene_table["energy_Ha"] = ene_table["energy"] * abilab.units.eV_to_Ha
ene_table["ediff_Ha"] = ene_table["energy_Ha"] - ene_table["energy_Ha"][-1]

# Select columns with the syntax:
ene_table[["nkpt", "energy", "energy_Ha", "ediff_Ha"]]
nkpt energy energy_Ha ediff_Ha 2 -241.251546 -8.865831 0.006242 10 -241.417959 -8.871946 0.000126 28 -241.421158 -8.872064 0.000009 60 -241.421391 -8.872073 0.000000
  • Dataframes can be exported to different formats: CSV, $Latex$, JSON, Excel, ...
  • High-level plotting interface provided by seaborn
  • Explore your DataFrames inside jupyter with qgrid
  • Use ene_table.to_clipboard() to copy to clipboard and paste into spreadsheet editor

We can also use the pandas built-in API to plot the data with matplotlib:

In [473]:
ene_table.plot(x="nkpt", y=["energy_Ha", "ediff_Ha", "pressure"], 
               style="-o", subplots=True);

Post-processing the DFPT results available in the MP database

  • More than 1500 DFPT calculations done with abiflows (Petretto et al.)
  • Results available on the materials project website (including the DDB files)

Let's assume we want to reuse the raw data for our research work:

  • Handling 1500 tabs in the web browser is not feasible
  • We need a programmatic interface to automate stuff.

With python we can easily connect the different parts of the puzzle:

  • REST API to get the raw data (DDB) from the MP database
  • Computation of phonons, thermodinamical properties, Born effective charges, dielectric tensor, IR spectrum with ABINIT
  • Post-processing with AbiPy

For a more comprehensive discussion see this abitutorial

To download a DDB file from the materials project database:

In [475]:
ddb = abilab.DdbFile.from_mpid("mp-1009129")
================================= File Info =================================
Name: mp-1009129qy153fif_DDB
Directory: /var/folders/89/47k8wfdj11x035svqf8qnl4m0000gn/T
Size: 218.73 kb
Access Time: Fri Mar  1 15:43:15 2019
Modification Time: Fri Mar  1 15:43:15 2019
Change Time: Fri Mar  1 15:43:15 2019

================================= Structure =================================
Full Formula (Mg1 O1)
Reduced Formula: MgO
abc   :   2.908638   2.908638   2.656848
angles:  90.000000  90.000000 120.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP           a         b    c
---  ----  --------  --------  ---
  0  Mg    0         0         0
  1  O     0.333333  0.666667  0.5

Abinit Spacegroup: spgid: 0, num_spatial_symmetries: 12, has_timerev: True, symmorphic: False

================================== DDB Info ==================================

Number of q-points in DDB: 72
guessed_ngqpt: [ 9  9 10] (guess for the q-mesh divisions made by AbiPy)
ecut = 44.000000, ecutsm = 0.000000, nkpt = 405, nsym = 12, usepaw = 0
nsppol 1, nspinor 1, nspden 1, ixc = -116133, occopt = 1, tsmear = 0.010000

Has total energy: False, Has forces: False
Has stress tensor: False

Has (at least one) atomic pertubation: True
Has (at least one diagonal) electric-field perturbation: True
Has (at least one) Born effective charge: True
Has (all) strain terms: False
Has (all) internal strain terms: False
Has (all) piezoelectric terms: False

Once we have a DdbFile object, we can call anaddb to compute phonon bands and DOS:

In [476]:
# Return PHBST and PHDOS netcdf files.
phbstnc, phdosnc = ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(
    ndivsm=20, nqsmall=20, lo_to_splitting=True, asr=2, 
    chneut=1, dipdip=1, dos_method="tetra")

and extract the phonon bands and the phonon DOS objects with:

In [477]:
phbands = phbstnc.phbands
phdos = phdosnc.phdos
In [478]:
================================= Structure =================================
Full Formula (Mg1 O1)
Reduced Formula: MgO
abc   :   2.908638   2.908638   2.656848
angles:  90.000000  90.000000 120.000000
Sites (2)
  #  SP           a         b    c
---  ----  --------  --------  ---
  0  Mg    0         0         0
  1  O     0.333333  0.666667  0.5

Abinit Spacegroup: spgid: 0, num_spatial_symmetries: 12, has_timerev: True, symmorphic: False

Number of q-points: 345
Atomic mass units: {12.0: 24.305, 8.0: 15.9994}
Has non-analytical contribution for q --> 0: True

To plot the phonon band structure including LO-TO splitting:

In [480]:
phbands.plot(title="MgO phonons with LO-TO splitting");

We can also plot the phonon bands and the DOS on the same figure with:

In [482]:
phbands.plot_with_phdos(phdos, units="Thz", title="AlAs phonons bands and DOS");

Thermodynamic properties as function of temperature T:

In [483]:

How to automate input file generation with AbiPy

AbinitInput object

Programmatic interface to generate input files:

  • Dict-like object storing ABINIT variables
  • Methods to set multiple variables (e.g. k-path from structure)
  • Factory functions to generate input files with minimal effort

Can invoke ABINIT to get important parameters such as:

  • list of k-points in the IBZ
  • list of irreducible DFPT perturbations
  • list of possible configurations for MPI jobs (npkpt, npfft, npband …)

To build an input, we need a structure and a list of pseudos:

In [491]:
inp = abilab.AbinitInput(structure="si.cif", pseudos="14si.pspnc")

Low-level API (should look familiar to Abinit users):

In [492]:
inp["ecut"] = 8
"ecut" in inp

Use set_vars to set the value of several variables with a single call:

In [493]:
inp.set_vars(kptopt=1, ngkpt=[2, 2, 2],  
             shiftk=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5]  # 2 shifts in one list

althought it's much easier to use:

In [494]:
{'ngkpt': array([2, 2, 2]),
 'kptopt': 1,
 'nshiftk': 4,
 'shiftk': array([[0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
        [0.5, 0. , 0. ],
        [0. , 0.5, 0. ],
        [0. , 0. , 0.5]])}

An AbinitInput has a structure object

In [496]:

and a list of pseudopotentials

In [497]:
for pseudo in inp.pseudos:
<NcAbinitPseudo: 14si.pspnc>
  summary: Troullier-Martins psp for element  Si        Thu Oct 27 17:31:21 EDT 1994
  number of valence electrons: 4.0
  maximum angular momentum: d
  angular momentum for local part: d
  XC correlation: LDA_XC_TETER93
  supports spin-orbit: False
  radius for non-linear core correction: 1.80626423934776
  hint for low accuracy: ecut: 0.0, pawecutdg: 0.0
  hint for normal accuracy: ecut: 0.0, pawecutdg: 0.0
  hint for high accuracy: ecut: 0.0, pawecutdg: 0.0

Pseudos from the PseudoDojo project provide hints for the cutoff energy.

In [498]:
from pseudo_dojo.core.pseudos import OfficialDojoTable
pseudo_table = OfficialDojoTable.from_dojodir('ONCVPSP-PBEsol-PDv0.4','standard')
In [499]:
# SECTION: basic
ecut 8
kptopt 1
ngkpt 2 2 2
0.5 0.5 0.5
0.5 0.0 0.0
0.0 0.5 0.0
0.0 0.0 0.5
nshiftk 4
natom 2
ntypat 1
typat 1 1
znucl 14
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000
0.2500000000 0.2500000000 0.2500000000
acell 1.0 1.0 1.0
6.3285005272 0.0000000000 3.6537614829
2.1095001757 5.9665675167 3.6537614829
0.0000000000 0.0000000000 7.3075229659

To generate a high-symmetry k-path (taken from an internal database)

In [500]:
{'kptbounds': array([[0.   , 0.   , 0.   ],
        [0.5  , 0.   , 0.5  ],
        [0.5  , 0.25 , 0.75 ],
        [0.375, 0.375, 0.75 ],
        [0.   , 0.   , 0.   ],
        [0.5  , 0.5  , 0.5  ],
        [0.625, 0.25 , 0.625],
        [0.5  , 0.25 , 0.75 ],
        [0.5  , 0.5  , 0.5  ],
        [0.375, 0.375, 0.75 ],
        [0.625, 0.25 , 0.625],
        [0.5  , 0.   , 0.5  ]]), 'kptopt': -11, 'ndivsm': 10, 'iscf': -2}
  • Ten points to sample the smallest segment of the k-path
  • Other segments are sampled so that proportions are preserved

Interfacing Abinit with Python via AbinitInput

  • Once we have an AbinitInput, it is possible to execute Abinit to:

    • get useful information from the Fortran code (e.g. IBZ, space group…)
    • validate the input file before running the calculation
  • Methods invoking Abinit start with the abi prefix followed by a verb:

    • inp.abiget_irred_phperts(...)
    • inp.abivalidate()


  • To call Abinit from AbiPy, one has to prepare a configuration file (manager.yml) providing all the information required to execute/submit Abinit jobs:

    • modules
    • python environment

Example of manager.yml for laptops (shell adapter)

  # List of qadapters objects 
  - priority: 1 
      qtype: shell
      qname: localhost
       mpi_runner: mpirun
           # abinit exec must be in $PATH
           - export PATH=$HOME/git_repos/abinit/_build/src/98_main:$PATH
       timelimit: 30:00
       max_cores: 2
       num_nodes: 2
       sockets_per_node: 1
       cores_per_socket: 2
       mem_per_node: 4Gb
  • Examples of configuration files for clusters are available here

  • Use doc_manager to get documentation inside the shell

To get the list of possible parallel configurations for this input up to max_ncpus:

In [503]:
inp["paral_kgb"] = 1
pconfs = inp.abiget_autoparal_pconfs(max_ncpus=5)
print("Best efficiency:\n", pconfs.sort_by_efficiency()[0])
print("Best speedup:\n", pconfs.sort_by_speedup()[0])
Best efficiency:
 {'efficiency': 0.98,
 'mem_per_cpu': 0.0,
 'mpi_ncpus': 3,
 'omp_ncpus': 1,
 'tot_ncpus': 3,
 'vars': {'bandpp': 1,
          'npband': 1,
          'npfft': 1,
          'npimage': 1,
          'npkpt': 3,
          'npspinor': 1}}

Best speedup:
 {'efficiency': 0.969,
 'mem_per_cpu': 0.0,
 'mpi_ncpus': 5,
 'omp_ncpus': 1,
 'tot_ncpus': 5,
 'vars': {'bandpp': 1,
          'npband': 1,
          'npfft': 1,
          'npimage': 1,
          'npkpt': 5,
          'npspinor': 1}}

To get the list of irreducible phonon perturbations for a given q-point:

In [504]:
inp.abiget_irred_phperts(qpt=(0.25, 0, 0))
[{'qpt': [0.25, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 1, 'idir': 1},
 {'qpt': [0.25, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 1, 'idir': 2}]

To get the irreducible perturbations for strain calculations:

In [505]:
[{'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 1, 'idir': 1},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 5, 'idir': 1},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 5, 'idir': 2},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 5, 'idir': 3},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 6, 'idir': 1},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 6, 'idir': 2},
 {'qpt': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], 'ipert': 6, 'idir': 3}]
  • DFPT perturbations are independent hence jobs can be executed in parallel
  • These methods represent the building block to generate workflows at runtime.

Multiple Datasets

  • List of AbinitInput objects
  • A handy tool to generate multiple input files with common variables:

    • Convergence studies (same structure, different ngkpt, tsmear …)
    • Input files for calculations requiring multiple steps (DFPT, $GW$)

Let's build a MultiDataset containing two datasets:

In [506]:
multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure="si.cif", pseudos="14si.pspnc", ndtset=2)


Iterating over multi gives AbinitInput objects:

In [507]:
all(inp["ecut"] == 4 for inp in multi)

To set the variables of a particular dataset, use:

In [508]:
multi[0].set_vars(ngkpt=[2, 2, 2], tsmear=0.004)
multi[1].set_vars(ngkpt=[4, 4, 4], tsmear=0.008);

To get a dataframe with the values of the variables, use:

In [509]:
multi.get_vars_dataframe("ngkpt", "tsmear")
ngkpt tsmear
dataset 0 [2, 2, 2] 0.004
dataset 1 [4, 4, 4] 0.008

The function split_datasets returns the list of AbinitInput stored in MultiDataset

In [510]:
gs1, gs2 = multi.split_datasets()

Factory functions for typical calculations

  • Functions returning AbinitInput or MultiDataset depending on the calculation type
  • Minimal input from user:

    • structure object or file providing it
    • list of pseudos
    • metavariables e.g. kppra for the BZ sampling
  • Default values designed to cover the most common scenarios

  • Less flexible than the low-level API but easier to use
  • Optional arguments to change the default behaviour (smearing="gaussian:0.1 eV")
  • For a command line interface, use the script.

To build an input for SCF+NSCF run with (relaxed) structure from the materials project database: ebands mp-149 

Some examples...

Input file for band structure calculation + DOS

  1. GS run to get the density
  2. NSCF run along high-symmetry k-path
  3. NSCF run with k-mesh to compute the DOS
In [511]:
multi = abilab.ebands_input(structure="si.cif", 

multi.get_vars_dataframe("kptopt", "iscf", "ngkpt")
kptopt iscf ngkpt
dataset 0 1 None [8, 8, 8]
dataset 1 -11 -2 None
dataset 2 1 -2 [14, 14, 14]

$GW$ calculations with the plasmon-pole model. The calculation consists of:

  1. GS run to compute the density
  2. nscf-run to produce a WFK file with nscf_nband states
  3. Input files to compute the screening ($W$) and the self-energy ($\Sigma^{e-e} = GW$)
In [512]:
multi = abilab.g0w0_with_ppmodel_inputs(
    structure="si.cif", pseudos="14si.pspnc", 
    kppa=1000, nscf_nband=50, ecuteps=2, ecutsigx=4, ecut=8, 

multi.get_vars_dataframe("optdriver", "ngkpt", "nband", "ecuteps", "ecutsigx")
optdriver ngkpt nband ecuteps ecutsigx
dataset 0 None [8, 8, 8] 14 None None
dataset 1 None [8, 8, 8] 50 None None
dataset 2 3 [8, 8, 8] 50 2 None
dataset 3 4 [8, 8, 8] 50 2 4
  • nscf_nband ➝ number of bands in $GW$ (occ + empty)
  • ecuteps ➝ planewave cutoff for $W_{G, G'}$ in Hartree
  • ecutsigx ➝ cutoff energy for the exchange part $\Sigma_x$
  • kppa ➝ k-point sampling (#kpts per reciprocal atom)

Command line interface

  • ➝ Operate on crystalline structures read from file
  • ➝ Open output files inside Ipython session
  • ➝ Compare multiple files (convergence studies)
  • ➝ Quick visualization of output files
  • ➝ Generate input files for typical calculations

Use e.g.

  • --help for manpage
  • COMMAND --help for help about COMMAND

HTML documentation available at

Examples spglib convert -f cif --print

To produce a predefined set of matplotlib figures, use: --expose


Workflow infrastructure

Two different approaches:

AbiPy workflows:

  • Lightweight implementation (pymatgen + AbiPy)
  • No database required. Object persistence provided by pickle
  • Ideal tool for prototyping

AbiFlows workflows:

  • Requires MongoDb database
  • Based on fireworks
  • Designed and optimized for high-throughput applications

Both approaches share the same codebase (AbinitInput, factory functions, AbiPy objects).

Number and type of calculations are important ➝ choose the approach that suits to your needs.

Main features

  • Support for different resource managers (Slurm, PBS, Torque, SGE, LoadLever, shell)
  • autoparal: the number of MPI processes is optimized at runtime
  • Error handlers for common runtime failures
  • Iterative algorithms are automatically restarted by the framework

Object-oriented API and inheritance diagram

  • Task objects to handle different types of calculations
  • Automated handling of dependencies (WFK, DEN, DDB, …)
  • Workflow generators for common cases

    • Relaxation
    • Band structures
    • Phonons
  • Templates for database insertion based on mongoengine and mongodb documents

How to build an AbiPy workflow

Let's start with an empty flow in the hello_flow directory

In [519]:
from abipy import flowtk
hello_flow = flowtk.Flow(workdir="hello_flow")

and use the graphviz tool after each step to show what's happening.

In [520]:
flow Flow, node_id=387420, workdir=hello_flow

We also need a function returning two inputs for SCF/NSCF run:

In [521]:
def make_scf_nscf_inputs():
    Build and return two input files for the GS-SCF and the GS-NSCF tasks.
    multi = abilab.MultiDataset(structure="si.cif", pseudos="14si.pspnc", ndtset=2)

    # Set global variables (dataset1 and dataset2)
    multi.set_vars(ecut=6, nband=8)

    # Dataset 1 (GS-SCF run)
    multi[0].set_kmesh(ngkpt=[8, 8, 8], shiftk=[0, 0, 0])

    # Dataset 2 (GS-NSCF run on a k-path)
    kptbounds = [
        [0.5, 0.0, 0.0], # L point
        [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], # Gamma point
        [0.0, 0.5, 0.5], # X point

    multi[1].set_kpath(ndivsm=6, kptbounds=kptbounds)
    # Return two input files for the GS and the NSCF run
    scf_input, nscf_input = multi.split_datasets()
    return scf_input, nscf_input

In terms of factory functions, similar results can be obtained with:

In [522]:
from abipy.abio.factories import ebands_input
scf_input, nscf_input = ebands_input(structure="si.cif", pseudos="14si.pspnc")

To add a Task we create an AbinitInput and we register it in the flow:

In [523]:
scf_input, nscf_input = make_scf_nscf_inputs()

hello_flow.register_scf_task(scf_input, append=True)
flow Flow, node_id=387420, workdir=hello_flow clusterw0 Work (w0) w0_t0 w0_t0 ScfTask

To select the first work:

In [524]:
<Work, node_id=387421, workdir=hello_flow/w0>

To select the first task of the first work:

In [525]:
<ScfTask, node_id=387422, workdir=hello_flow/w0/t0>

How to define dependencies

  • Let's add NSCF calculation that depends on the scf_task through the DEN file.
  • Dependencies are specified via the {task: "file_ext"} dictionary
In [526]:
hello_flow.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={hello_flow[0][0]: "DEN"}, 

flow Flow, node_id=387420, workdir=hello_flow clusterw0 Work (w0) w0_t0 w0_t0 ScfTask w0_t1 w0_t1 NscfTask w0_t0->w0_t1 DEN

A Work is a list of Tasks and we can iterate with the syntax:

In [527]:
for task in hello_flow[0]:
<ScfTask, node_id=387422, workdir=hello_flow/w0/t0>
<NscfTask, node_id=387423, workdir=hello_flow/w0/t1>

Tasks can be connected to external files:

In [529]:
flow_with_file = flowtk.Flow(workdir="flow_with_file")

den_filepath = abidata.ref_file("")
flow_with_file.register_nscf_task(nscf_input, deps={den_filepath: "DEN"})

for nband in [10, 20]:
                                      deps={den_filepath: "DEN"}, append=False)

print("nband in tasks:", [task.input["nband"] for task in flow_with_file.iflat_tasks()])

nband in tasks: [8, 10, 20]
flow Flow, node_id=387425, workdir=flow_with_file clusterw0 Work (w0) clusterw1 Work (w1) clusterw2 Work (w2) w0_t0 w0_t0 NscfTask w1_t0 w1_t0 NscfTask w2_t0 w2_t0 NscfTask /Users/gmatteo/git_repos/abipy/abipy/data/refs/si_ebands/ FileNode, node_id=387428, rpath=../abipy/abipy/data/refs/si_ebands/ /Users/gmatteo/git_repos/abipy/abipy/data/refs/si_ebands/>w0_t0 /Users/gmatteo/git_repos/abipy/abipy/data/refs/si_ebands/>w1_t0 /Users/gmatteo/git_repos/abipy/abipy/data/refs/si_ebands/>w2_t0

Phonon band structure of AlAs

Now we are finally ready for the calculation of the vibrational spectrum of AlAs.

Once we have a function returning an input for SCF calculations, it's just a matter of of passing the SCF input to the from_scf_input factory function

In [531]:
def build_flow_alas_phonons():
    Build and return a Flow to compute the dynamical matrix on a (2, 2, 2) qmesh
    as well as DDK and Born effective charges.
    The final DDB with all perturbations will be merged automatically and placed
    in the Flow `outdir` directory.
    from abipy import flowtk
    scf_input = make_scf_input(ecut=6, ngkpt=(4, 4, 4))
    return flowtk.PhononFlow.from_scf_input("flow_alas_phonons", scf_input,
                                            ph_ngqpt=(2, 2, 2), with_becs=True)
Abipy will call Abinit to get the list of DFPT perturbations and…
In [532]:
flow_phbands = build_flow_alas_phonons()
flow PhononFlow, node_id=387435, workdir=flow_alas_phonons clusterw0 Work (w0) clusterw1 BecWork (w1) clusterw2 PhononWork (w2) clusterw3 PhononWork (w3) w0_t0 w0_t0 ScfTask w1_t0 w1_t0 DdkTask w0_t0->w1_t0 WFK w1_t1 w1_t1 DdkTask w0_t0->w1_t1 WFK w1_t2 w1_t2 DdkTask w0_t0->w1_t2 WFK w1_t3 w1_t3 BecTask w0_t0->w1_t3 WFK w1_t4 w1_t4 BecTask w0_t0->w1_t4 WFK w2_t0 w2_t0 PhononTask w0_t0->w2_t0 WFK w2_t1 w2_t1 PhononTask w0_t0->w2_t1 WFK w2_t2 w2_t2 PhononTask w0_t0->w2_t2 WFK w2_t3 w2_t3 PhononTask w0_t0->w2_t3 WFK w3_t0 w3_t0 PhononTask w0_t0->w3_t0 WFK w3_t1 w3_t1 PhononTask w0_t0->w3_t1 WFK w1_t0->w1_t3 DDK w1_t0->w1_t4 DDK w1_t1->w1_t3 DDK w1_t1->w1_t4 DDK w1_t2->w1_t3 DDK w1_t2->w1_t4 DDK

To execute the flow, use the script: flow_workdir scheduler

For futher info, see this notebook

DFPT workflows with Abiflows, Fireworks and MongoDB

  • Databases makes life easier if one has to handle many calculations
  • Databases can be used to

    • start calculations from previous results
    • save the intermediate status of the jobs
    • store the final results

Building an Abiflows workflow for DFPT requires:

In [533]:
from pseudo_dojo.core.pseudos import OfficialDojoTable
from abiflows.fireworks.workflows.abinit_workflows import PhononFullFWWorkflow 

# Pseudopotential table from the PseudoDojo package
pseudo_table = OfficialDojoTable.from_dojodir('ONCVPSP-PBEsol-PDv0.4','standard')

# Create fireworks workflow with default settings
structure = abilab.Structure.from_file("si.cif")
wf = PhononFullFWWorkflow.from_factory(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudo_table)

The dependency graph is similar to the ligthweigh version discussed before:

but now one can take advantage of MongoDb to run many calculations in a full automatic way:
from abiflows.fireworks.workflows.abinit_workflows import *
from abiflows.database.mongoengine.utils import DatabaseData
from abiflows.database.mongoengine.abinit_results import RelaxResult
from pseudo_dojo.core.pseudos import OfficialDojoTable

# Pseudopotential Table from PseudoDojo
pseudo_table = OfficialDojoTable.from_dojodir('ONCVPSP-PBEsol-PDv0.4','standard')

# Database with relaxed structures
source_db = DatabaseData(host='database_address', port=27017, 

# Database used to store DFPT results.
db = DatabaseData(host='database_address', port=27017, collection='phonon_bs', 

# Connect to the database

# Download relaxed structure from the database.
with source_db.switch_collection(RelaxResult) as RelaxResult:
    relaxed_structure = RelaxResult.objects(mp_id="mp-149")[0].structure

wf = PhononFullFWWorkflow.from_factory(structure=structure, pseudos=pseudo_table)

wf.add_final_cleanup(["WFK", "1WF", "WFQ", "1POT", "1DEN"])

How to recostruct AbiPy objects from a MondoDb database

from abiflows.database.mongoengine.abinit_results import PhononResult

# Find results for SiC
r = PhononResult.objects(mp_id='mp-8062')[0] 

# Get DDB object from the database.
with r.abinit_output.ddb.abiopen() as ddb: 

    # Run anaddb 
    phbst, phdos = ddb.anaget_phbst_and_phdos_files(ngqpt=[8, 8, 5]) 

    # Use AbiPy API
    phbst.phbands.plot_with_phdos(phdos.phdos, units='cm-1')


  • The ab-initio community is migrating to python to implement:

    • Pre-processing and post-processing tools
    • Web-based technologies to analyze/visualize data (e.g. jupyter notebooks …)
    • High-level logic for scientific workflows and high-throughput applications
  • Difficulties for users:

    • Installation of big software stack (C, C++, Fortran, Python, Javascript …)
    • Multiple technologies under the hood (databases, JSON, HDF5, MPI/OMP …)
    • Users are supposed to be familiar with programming techniques
  • Advantages for users:

    • Traditional GUIs are still useful but researchers sometimes need programmatic interfaces to analyze raw data
    • Several python packages to boost productivity and do better science

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest" (B. Franklin)